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iCal4j Examples - Recurrences

This page provides examples of using iCal4j to calculate recurrences of iCal4j objects.

Generating event dates

// Reading the file and creating the calendar
CalendarBuilder builder = new CalendarBuilder();
Calendar cal = null;
try {
    cal = FileInputStream("my.ics"));
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (ParserException e) {

// Create the date range which is desired.
DateTime from = new DateTime("20100101T070000Z");
DateTime to = new DateTime("20100201T070000Z");;
Period period = new Period(from, to);

// For each VEVENT in the ICS
for (Object o : cal.getComponents("VEVENT")) {
    Component c = (Component)o;
    PeriodList list = c.calculateRecurrenceSet(period);

    for (Object po : list) {