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iCal4j Validation

iCal4j includes a comprehensive validation framework for checking compliance with the various iCalendar specifications. This framework may also be used to implement custom validation rules to support data validation for specific use-cases.



The iCal4j Validation framework is based on the concept of apply a collection of validation rules to a target iCalendar object and capturing the results of these rules.

Validation Rule

A validation rule defines a set of constraints to apply when validating a target, and reporting constructs if the target does not meet those constraints.

  • Validation Type - collection or predicate-based check of target, including a description used for reporting
  • Instances - zero or more inputs to validation checks
  • Severity - reporting severity when a check fails (e.g. Warning, Error, etc.)

Validation RuleSet

A rule set combines a group of rules and a context in which to apply them. You may have different rules for Calendar properties, components, and properties nested within each component.

  • Rules - a set of validation rules to apply to the context target
  • Context - a target context provides an identifier for the target type used for reporting

Validation Entry

A validation entry is used to report the result of a validation check, where validation rule requirements are not met.

  • Message - a message reporting the nature of the failure
  • Severity - records the severity of the validation check failure
  • Context - captures the context of the validation check

Validation Result

A validation result collates validation entries from a target validation, which may include application of one or more validation rule sets. Results may be used to summarise or take action based on the validation outcome.

  • Entries - a list of validation entries resulting from a target validation
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A validator is a concrete implementation that encapsulates rule sets applied to a specific target type.

  • Rule sets - a collection of rule sets to apply to the target
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